About the Business
We like collaborative practice at bto as this is what we do most of. Collaborative Practice also suits most couples. We find that most people are able to sit in the same room as their spouse/ partner but they really like the idea of having their legal representative with them! Often people don't want to go to court and many are relieved to find out that Collaborative Practice makes both parties commit to not doing that. Most people also like the idea of finding common ground, working in the interests of their family and ensuring that their children are not lost sight of in the process.
Another facet of Collaborative Practice is that we can add on other experts who can assist the couple in reaching the best settlement for them. Most clients who have gone through this process are very happy with the outcome. You remain in control throughout. You are listened to and the options are tested. Your collaborative lawyer is with you throughout and drafts the separation agreement for you.
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