About the Business
Dicksons Solicitors in its current form was a result of a merger between Challinors and Dickson, Blaggs and HMB Law. As a practice we can therefore trace our roots back to the 1800's.
Challinors & Dickson was a general Solicitors practice founded in about 1850 by Edward Sholto Challinor who was the Deputy Town Clerk of Stoke on Trent between 1884 and 1905. During that time he combined his public duties with those of the practice which has always operated from its present address in Hanley.
In 1904 Frederick Livingstone Dickson joined the firm and became a partner shortly thereafter. When E S Challinor died in the early 1920's F L Dickson continued the practice as a sole practitioner until his son David Edward Livingstone Dickson joined the firm in 1947. In 1960 F L Dickson died and his son continued the practice on his own until he went into partnership with S Heath in 1960, such partnership being dissolved in 1966.
Location & Hours

7-9 The Boulevard