About the Business
Established in 1924, Essex solicitors John Fowlers LLP have matured into a well respected law firm offering both private and publicly funded advice to individuals and businesses throughout North Essex, Suffolk and beyond. We aim to provide an excellent service to our clients and we were awarded the Law Society's Lexcel Quality Assurance standard in April 2011, along with Investors In People. Chris Andrews of our Private Client department has also been appointed as a Panel Deputy for the Office of the Public Guardian, one of only 60 nationwide.
As a firm, we are committed to supporting our local community and have recently been involved in both Colchester and Clacton carnivals as well as sponsoring a number of other key local events. You can contact our Colchester office on 01206 576151, our Brightlingsea office on 01206 302694 or our Clacton office on 01255 429735 for advice on a whole range of legal issues.
Location & Hours

Jackson Road